The liebster award

Hello there kitty cats,

After my last post, especially the 'sunday vlog' post, I received so many sweet, cute and lovely comments, real life reactions, likes and (re)tweets. Those sweet things really filled my heart with joy and made me a little ball of emotion. *sings emotions by Destiny's child*
One of the sweetest comments, that really got me all choked up was from  the girl who writes the lovely blog 'All is good'.
She nominated my teeny tiny ball of confetti and pictures of cats combined with some lifestyle (and since two posts ago also fashion EEK!) for the liebster award!!

If  like me you are thinking: OH MY GOD!! but what the hastag is it?!
Here's the link to the post about The liebster award
Read it? Great!

How cool is this?!! And I've been nominated by a blog/girl I don't know at all, who happens to read my blog and found it so nice that she nominated me. Again; Thank you so SO much! I never thought my blog was going to be noticed. *turns into a big ball of emotions again*
So here are the questions I had to answer:

1. Why did you start your blog?
I studied musicaltheatre and in my senior year I decided I wanted to express my creativity in a different way and started my own blog. I've been reading blogs for years and years and always wanted to start one for real. With life with confetti I have created my own little space on the internet where I can share all things positive, girly and in my opinion interesting.
2. What has been your favourite blogpost to write?
My favourite blogpost is deffinetly the Passing on the invisible tiara "tag" where I tag people, I find have that Dinsey (princess) magic.
3. What are some of your favourite brands?
Asos, New Look, Monki, & Other stories, River Island
4. QUICK! You're late, you have your phone, keys and purse, what 3 other things do you need?
Mittens, bicyclelights, make-up bag.
5. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
around 20 I think.
6. What habbit do you need to break?
Postponing tough choices, but I'm getting better at it!
7. Favourite piece of clothing?
My Carrie Bradshaw skirt, Or my black high waisted Asos jeans.
8. What is something you really want to buy, but you're still unsure about?It's easier to tell what I don't want to buy! haha. But I guess it's the Laura Mercier foundation I fell in love with last summer..
9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Hopefully in London or New York, still spreading kindess around like confetti with this blog, whilst making my passion my paycheck.
10. What's your least favourite thing about blogging?
When I'm really busy and I don't have time to blog, I still feel obligated to write a post.

11. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
To be able to share all things positive and lovely with the world.

That was a lot of fun!
Now let's keep this ball rolin':The blogs I am nominating for the liebster award are:
Just britt blogThe fimeNew Kid In TownUnkown curiosity of mindThe Super MakiRegularlee,

I know the rules say 11 blogs, but I don't read that many blogs who are really new. The ones I have been loving for a very long time are already hot and happening. And the ones I love reading because they are just amazingly written, cute or just a hug in a post, Are my friends or girls I love with a blog.
So it wouldn't be fair if I'd just browse the web right now to find new blogs who I can claim I'm reading and loving, just so I have 11 blogs to share with you.
I love each and every one of these blogs and I also happen to know these lovely ladies! It's a win-win!

Darling dearests, here are my questions for you!

1. ANYTHING, ANYWHERE; what?? (be free to interpretate that anyway you like it; a trip to New York, a Scandal episode.. etc.)
2. What is the best thing you've eaten this week?
3. If you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would it be?
4. One song on repeat forever?
5. What's at the top of your list; 'places to travel to'?
6. Which blog/blogger inspired you to blog?
7. In the ideal world there would be...
8. Bare nails or nailpolish?
9. Your blog in one word?
10. Your biggest accomplishment?
11. A must read blog?

The rules:
- Thank and link the person who nominated you check
- Answer the questions given to you by the nominator check
- Nominate 11 other bloggers (who have less then 200 followers) and link them sort of.. check
- Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer check
- Notify all nominees via social media/blogs. check

Kisses on your elbows,


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