Blogmas day 6: Dear Britt #14

some wise words to keep in mind forever!

Dear Britt,

I feel the same!!
Word on the street is that there's a girl dragging herself to school and home everyday. Well that's me. And it's not even being at school and being in class all day. It's getting up every morning. So I have a feeling you're doing the same thing!
You're hardcore!! And as you said yourself'; only one week left and then we can have huge lie-ins and all the outfitshooting and coffeedrinking and catching up!
It's so weird.. This letter has really been our only way of communicating these past three/four weeks.
Which makes me put even more  (A for) effort into my letters. Which is a good thing.

This week has been really long, I've spend many mornings and nights awkwardly sleeping on the train with probably some drooling. That's the ultimate hint my body is giving me that this vacation really has to happen!
But besides this whole; I'm so tired, let's fast forward this week please! This week has been great when it comes to shows and plays I've seen. On monday I went to a concert/showcase of Theo Nijland. Where several artists performed his songs in their own way. It was awsome, I had the cheapest seats and it was really high. (I'm scared of heights.. So imagine that scene).
But one of the coolest things was that at a certain point I looked at the stage and realised half of the artists performing that night were (going to be) my teachers. I will actually be one of their students. DUH! And the fact that they were so good up on that stage gave me goosebumps. It still hasn't really sunk in that I am and will be working with such inspirational and talented people. My teachers at my previous school are also amazingly talented. But then I realise that there are more people who are just as or even more talented with even bigger names and then I feel like this is all a dream. But it's not. How weird!

Next week I have my first evaluation/ I'll get my "grades" back. I was really scared/nervous. And now I cannot wait. because; If things weren't going as they should've, I would've heard or felt it by now, don't you think?

PLEASE let's have at least 4 days together over christmasbreak??

Oh! I found amazing colored walls close to your school, I say outfitshooting!

Kisses on your elbows,


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