Blogmas day 5: looking back on the list

Hello there kitty cats,

I really underestimated the amount of time, energy and most of all inspiration (But let's be honest.. It's mainly time) that goes into this whole blogmas thing.
So after failing again. I thought I'd turn this frown upside down and start doing: 12 days of blogmas Instead. So from now up until Christmast I Will be posting every single day. Which is possible. Because starting this week, time is going to be my best friend.. Not the demon I am constantly fighting. 

We are coming to the end of 2015 (HUH?!?). It feels like everything that happened before the summer was about a year ago. 
Remember that list I wrote in the begining Of this year? The life resolutions list?
This week I realised I have ticked off a lot of things from that list. 
So I thought it would be nice to go over them. Just so I can get a better perspective on what the hedgehog I've been doing with my time this year.

1. Visiting New countries/ cities: check! I've been to Atlanta for the first time. So it may not be Berlin, But it was something completely different.

2. Audition in America/ London for a theatreschool: sort of?! I went to the open house/ informationnight of the New York filmacademy. And I auditioned and got accepted to the theatreschool of Amsterdam. So I guess; check!

3. Move out: easier said then done. Since I need a place in Amsterdam.. *cries eyes out and writes Santa a letter*

4. Buy things on my wishlists: check! It all started on my birthday. And we're still going strong!

5. Buy more cookbooks and give dinnerparties: check!  Except for the dinnerparties. I have been baking lot's and letting it rain cookies and (cup) cakes on my classmates.

6.  Read more booksnope! I started Reading 'yes please' by Amy Poehler back in february. And I'm not even halfway. I'm working on it.

7. Be more impulsive: check! Escpecially with cooking, shopping and huggs.

8. Expend my knowledge: check when it comes to theatre. 

 9.Document my Life more: check! I've made a lot of vlogs this year! 

10. Audition: CHECK!!

11. Sing/perform more: CHECK!! It's a lifestyle.

12. Stretch and workout more: I Will start again on monday.. Promise!

13. Buy myself a pair of sneakers: check?!? Does it count when I got my moms "old" vans. 

14. Go to more concerts and the theatre: a little low on the concert side. But I got theatre covered. 

15. Compliment strangers: work in progress. But I'm getting there. 

So I guess I pretty much ticked off 80% of that list. That's pretty amazing I think.
There's a lot of room for improvement, But i did a lot more then I thought I would. 
Let's see if I can improve at least two things before the end of the year.
Did you manage to achieve any of your New years resolutions?

Kisses on your elbows,


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