Blogmas day 11: Dear Britt #15

Dear Britt,

Today I went christmas shopping; worst decission ever!!
I am really excited for christmas, have been since september. But due to school I couldn't buy christmaspresents or even think about what to wear on christmasday or to our Zwerrie christmasdiner.
Today I cooked for Meryl and Nathalie. I wrapped their christmaspresents and wrote my first christmascards. The fairylights in my room are still going strong. YAY!

When I heard about your sister I was completely shocked! Thank Goddess she's okay. Give her a lot of kisses and cuddles from me okay!
These past four months have flown by and I can't believe it will be 2016 in two weeks.
What have we done? It seems like everything I've done when I wasn't a studying in Amsterdam happened in another life. I am still the happiest I've ever been, with these amazing people and this amazing school. (And my evaluation was just a whole new kind of lovely)

I can't wait to see you tuesday. Are you ready for all the food, wine and giggles?
There's not much left to say; except, we've finished this first trimester! And we're still alive!

I am proud of you!

Kisses on your elbows.


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