The winter uniform
As mentioned in sunday's post, I took some outfitphoto's with Britt.
Like you might have noticed already; it is officially winter. No more regular tights with a dress.
Just boots, jeans and the snuggliest (roll neck) jumper you own.
Now that I'm obligated to wear jeans and a T-shirt all day, everyday I kind of changed into a plain Jane! BOO YOU WHORE..(mean girls forever) But I work with kids and food, so jeans, boots and a jumper it is. But I still have a sense of style so I Top it of with a nice coat, a lovely handbag and the perfect lipstick and voilà; you have your winter uniform.
(I wanted to wear something nice and cute.. but let's face it; No one wants to freeze their nipples of. Not even for a blogpost!)
So here you go; simple, soft, everyday appropriate and best of all; warm and comfortable like a Boss! Ladies and gents; the winter uniform.

As much as I love this winter uniform, the word uniform makes my skin crawl.
I want to wear dresses and skirts and shorts and everything other then this uniform all day, everyday.. So I am trying to incorporate some pieces into a more cute or sophisticated outfit. You know.. for nights out when you can take your jumper off and it's like your a completely different person. But you still look cute with the jumper on.. I guess.. I'm Working on it..
What am I wearing:
Boots; A random store similar here.
Jeans: Asos curve ridley jeans here .
Jumper: New look sale similar here.
Coat: Primark similar here.
Bag: Forever 21 collection of 2012. similar here.
Lipstick: Bourjois Rouge edition velvet in Grand Cru here .
All photo's were taken with my Samsung NX mini camera and by Britt.
Kisses on your elbows,
I want to wear dresses and skirts and shorts and everything other then this uniform all day, everyday.. So I am trying to incorporate some pieces into a more cute or sophisticated outfit. You know.. for nights out when you can take your jumper off and it's like your a completely different person. But you still look cute with the jumper on.. I guess.. I'm Working on it..
What am I wearing:
Boots; A random store similar here.
Jeans: Asos curve ridley jeans here .
Jumper: New look sale similar here.
Coat: Primark similar here.
Bag: Forever 21 collection of 2012. similar here.
Lipstick: Bourjois Rouge edition velvet in Grand Cru here .
All photo's were taken with my Samsung NX mini camera and by Britt.
Kisses on your elbows,