Life with happiness (tips for superheroes)

Hello there kitty cats,

A new year, a new blogtemplate/design. I really tried to spice things up a bit around here (yeah you can also follow me on instagram now! *wink wink*) and still keep it nice and simple, I hope you like it!
So things have been kind of quite around here, school has started and before I knew it a week has passed and I didn't write a blogpost for almost a week.Woops!
I am going back to the one (hopefully 2) blogposts a week. So no more blogmas/ a post a day kind of things on this blog!

There's a lot of hurt and frustration going on in the world right now. Mother nature is crying and so are the people. And I truly believe we can all be superheroes and change the world bit by bit.
Some may call it naïve, I call it optimistic.
I could sit here all day telling you about how we're ruining our world and how we should all just try and turn this thing around, but I can also show you.
Change the world, start with you (and the people around you, weither it's a neighbour or a loved one)
So here is another tip for superheroes. Just to spread some sunshine and positivity.

Can we all take the time to appreciate Soul pancake..

I hope we can make ourselves happier one step at a time, happy people make a happy world. And happy people make sure other people become happy too. that was a lot of happy in one little bit of blogpost.
We can change the world and we should, but we shouldn't raise our voices, let our actions speak for us.

Kisses on your elbows,


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