Hello there kittty cats,
And welcome to the first day of the year.
Today's the day to give you the final part of my 2014 roundup; The favourite moments.
Here are the moments that I found most memorable and the loveliest of everything that happened this year. I have scrolled through my phone and facebook to find the cutest, weirdest, funniest and most amazing moments captured on video or photo's.
Let's have an amazing #Throwback!
I have never shared this picture but this was New year's last year.. well this year. The first time
I actually shared my new hairdo with my family.. It's a lot shorter now. But it was the best decission
I have made this year. |
A great start of the year, spending a day in London with the lil' sister! |
auditioning for the theatreschool in Amsterdam, I was so busy shitting my pants that I only took a photo of the view. |
Brainstorming about our soloperformance. Beer, coffee and fried snacks. I loved this night. |
my 20th birthday, not my most charming face, but it was an amazing day!! |
the birthdaydinner, never ate so much in my life!! |
Going out, drinks, great music and the most spontaneous thing I've ever done. |
A nice weekend at Meryl.. I have loved all of our little weekends/days/moments together this year more then ever!! |
job interview, I got it!!! |
playing Belle during the day with the most adorable little kids. |
playing dress up at night. |
the flyer of my soloperformance. |
A night with music and friends, songs were sung and selfies were made |
Just a nice hot day at the beach, well deserved and so realxing. |
Wearing red lipstick for the first time in what seems like forever, I forgot how much I loved it. |
A 6;15 AM bikeride to work isn't so bad when this is the view. |
Being able to perform my soloperformance at my old theatreschool with the most crazy talented and best friends. |
Being pretty in a videoclip with my chum. |
Sushidinner with ma classmates.Last time I had sushi, can we just appreciate this photo. I had a sushi baby that night. |
Graduating.. so weird but amazing. |
the hottest day of the year.. Britt's birthdayparty and sweaty selfies. |
The best dessert I have ever had. |
Another lovely day at the beach. Time wasn't an issue and we had so much to eat.. it was so chill. |
the pancake party with the Zwerries. we had a selfiestick.. |
The first dinner with just the 4 of us since january. it was lovely. I didn't know it would be the last one of that year. |
A lovely afternoon in town with my Britt! smoothies and toasties the size of our head. |
It's a dark one but the loveliest evening with lot's of wine and live music. |
Remember when we had this mutated spider at work and we didn't want to kill it but couldn't leav it either?! |
backingvocals at the uitmarkt musical sing a long. |
the customized favourited post. I think my favourite favourites post so far. |
Baking bananabread/cake for the first time and getting obsessed with it. |
the best friends birthday with mermaids, pirated, bubbles and glitters. |
bumping into my long lost girls that same night made it even more memorable. |
a weekend at Meryl equals polaroid pictures. |
the night I lost my voice because of cry laughter with the zwerries. And I got confronted with the fact that I really suck at games. |
baking healthy oatmeal cookies. loved all the baking this year!! |
Shopping in Amsterdam and being goofs on the train! |
Cooking pumpkin for the first time ever.. |
The first day of November. |
the red velvet bae I baked.. |
the first day of blogmas; the very first recipe post on life with confetti. |
the loveliest conversation that lasted at least 6 hours, |
Baking the Lily Pebbles brookies for the first time. They are to die for.. I baked lots of them after this time. |
christmasdinners and sisters hands in your face, delight. |
Doing all the bloggy things with Britt. |
another first; the outfit post you seemed to love just as much as I did. |
And of course; last night. Ending this year with the zwerries after a lovely christmas and a lovely year. |
Happy January!! |
Wow.. that was 2014 in photo's! now there's nothing left for me to say but thank you for reading this little part of the oh so world wide web.
I opened blogger yesterday to find out I had hit 3500!! pageviews and 93!! followers! That is insane!
I am so thankful and happy with all the reactions, likes, comments and just face to face compliments I have gotten about my blog this year! I never thought people would actually like reading what I have to say. But it's been over a year and people are getting more and more supportive and fond of the confetti way of life!Thank you!!
Lots of sparkly shoes and kisses on your elbows,