Dear Britt, This week I've been #8

Dear Britt,

Welcome to November!!
Remember when we had Hoender & Hop for the first time back in June?
Where has the time gone, a common theme in our letters.
Two years have passed and I've seen you grow as an artist and a person and I couldn't be more proud of you and the fact that you will be performing your soloconcert in a few weeks. 17 days to be precise.
You will be great and you will even be able to surprise yourself. Why?! Because by thinking about it like that it will happen.

This week I've been running around like crazy, trying to get right back into the swing of things.
(Not doing this doesn't make you lazy or stupid my love)
My classes had ups and downs. Well my head made them ups and downs, but the week overall was amazing. I don't think I'll ever stop saying this, but: My class is so rediculously talented, it gives me goosebumps. And this week I once again realised how amazing it is to be surrounded by people who want you to grow and develop and graduate a better actrice. A couple of weeks ago I went through some of my old blogposts and saw the list I made in January. Filled with new years and life resolutions, I realised I ticked off most of the things I wanted to accomplish without actually thinking about it. I just got shizz done. That was my proud moment of this week.
And you will be this proud in a few weeks when everyone will be giving you a standing ovation as you perform your heart out.

Coffee and macarons soon?

Kisses on your elbows,


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