"It is autumn, the leaves are falling down from the trees and fruits are getting rotten and grose.. Need something else then a smoothie to get rid of overripe fruit? Then this is the blogpost for you!"

Hello there kitty cats,

As I have said before; autumn is the perfect time to bake things!
Cookies with oatmeal for example. But also all things with fruit/vegetables (think carrots, not things like cucumbers.. vomit). Just anything that helps with that warm cosy feeling we're trying to create and keep throughout the darker months. Winter is for chocolate, Autumn for anything with cinnamon and fruit. So I thought it would be nice to share the beloved recipe for a delicious bananabread/cake with you.
Of course this is a Donna Hay original, spiced up with things like almonds and cupcake holders by moi. I have made so many bananabreads this year, my family loves it and after recently introducing my classmates to it as well, I think it will be used more then ever.

What do you need?
A big bowl
A fork
An electric mixer
A kitchenscale
A set of measurment cups
A bakingtray

4  (medium) overripe banana's (800 gram)
3 eggs, lightly beaten
1 1/2 cups (225 gram) of selfraising flour (sifted)
1 1/2 cups (260 gram) of brown castersugar
1/2 cups (125 ml) of Sunflower oil
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 tablespoons  of almonds
Bananachips or extra banana to decorate

What to do:
Preheat your oven to 160 degrees Celcius.
Cut up the banana's and put them in the bowl. Mash them with a fork untill it looks a bit like something you'd either throw up or feed a baby. (what's the difference?!)
Throw (gently) in the oil, eggs, sugar and vanilla and whisk to combine.
Then add the flour and cinnamon. Whisk again and make sure it's a soft and sort of smooth mixture (due to the little soft bananachunks it will never be completely creamy).
Stir the almonds into the mixture.

Then get  your baking tray and grease it with some butter. Line it with bakingpaper en pour the mixture in.

After a nice sunbathing session of 1 hour and 10 minutes your banana baby should be ready.
Stick a toothpick right in the middle just to check. If it comes out clean, your bad boy is done!
Let it cool off completely and then put it on a plate. Cut it in to pieces (or not) and stuff your face with it. I prefer doing that on Gwen Stefani- Hollaback girl!


Kisses on your elbows,


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