Two years with confetti

Hello there kitty cats,

Just like last year, my bloggaversary (blog anniversary) has completely arrived within a blink of an eye.
The only difference this year is that I actually remembered it. Parttime blogger classic.
But I guess the only person expecting something big when it comes down to special moments like this is me. Because I've been blogging for 2 years now and I have gained so many followers and pageviews and twitter & Instagram friends because of this blog. I want to make it special, just to show you how much I appreciate all of that.
Well I don't have anything for you to win or something. But I do want to give you more content to read. So as a present/ way to celebrate this milestone with you I have decided to have a big Life with Confetti celebration week part 2; the 2 year aniversary edition.
Be prepared for 2 weeks of long lost vlogs, recipes, outfit posts and survivalguides and some people appreciation posts here and there.
Because I cannot think of a better way to continue what I've been doing/trying to do on this blog for the past two years; spreading kindness like confetti.

Thank you all so much for reading this tiny little space on the internet and I hope you continue to enjoy and love it as much as I do.

Neverending kisses on your elbows, eyebrows and knees,


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