Septober favourites
Just because I wrote them in October okay?! |
Happy Halloween!! *throws pumpkins in the air*
I hope you're all having an amazing time at your Halloween parties, or like me; in your Pj's at home, eating your own bodyweight in chocolate.
You might have noticed that I haven't written a monthly favourites post for ages. So I thought it would be nice to write one now. And since these favourites have been collected over the past two months, I couldn't really just call it my October favourites. So I put everything in a blender and made up a name. I hope you don't mind!
10 weeks have flown by in a split second.
I've met so many people, made so many friends and had a lot of firsts.. Let's just go over it one more time.
1. the cutest, most pinterest-worthy burger joint in Amsterdam; Ellis. I just love being there, the staff is so friendly, the food is amazing and it's surrounded by canals and twinkly lights over romantic bridges, do I need to say more? 2. Spending two days alongside two classmates, "inside" their lives
3. Sending so many nights at the theatre, that it feels like home 4. Getting my camera back 5. A jungleparty with an amazing home-cooked meal, wine and a cat as the pre-party 6. The behind the scenes documentary of the West side story 7. Talking, eating and breathing theatre, all day everyday 8. Gregory Porter once again 9. Amsterdam 10. Days spend outfitshooting with Britt
Thanks again Kathlyn my love <3 |
16. The Fink concert 17. Cats, always 18. the perfect pair of shoes 19. Facetiming with my cousins in Atlanta 20. being surrounded by creative people
I was Jigsaw with a cleavage, just chilling with a sperm cell and a kung fu fighter |
I think I told you everything from the last two months. And the things I skipped are probably in my letters to Britt. I will try and get back into posting these again, it's a nice way to reevaluate the months.
I hope you had an amazing month. Bye October!
Kisses on your elbows,