Motivational tuesday: Blissful thinking

Happy Easter Kitty cats,

Spring has finally sprung and we are only a week in and I'm already making spring-wardrobe wishlists as long as my entire body on the Asos website.
I am wearing mint green nailpolish, the sun is shining, I gave my blog a little make-over/ update and I can finally start wearing sheer tights again. I tell ya, good things happen during spring!
So since today was such a lovely day and after such a long weekend with family, easter bunnies and all the chocolate in the world.. Tomorrow will feel like a monday and we all need some help surviving that.
So here are some (new) things I think we can/should all be happy about:(beside being alive and that tomorrow's a new day to kick some ass at being awesome of course)

1. Your personalised discover weekly playlist on Spotify. If you haven't heard of it, it feels like your best friends on the other side of the world put all the songs together they love and know you will love too. And if you don't want to look at it that way; it's just a nice playlist with new music for you to discover.

2. getting your ankles out, if you're into that kind of stuff.

3. The fact that all the darker colors are being replaced with all the pastels (my personal fave)

4. Soulpancake, I am forever in love with these people and the way they're changing the world for the better if you ask me.

5. The video's on Facebook about all the amazing and cute animals on this planet. I am not interested in who went to which party, how everybody feels about the new Rihanna song or who blames who because our world is on fire. Just show me your dog eating or cuddling something.

So here your go, 5 little things to help you with your blissfull thinking.
Have a good week pumpkins!

Kisses on your elbows,


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