Dear Britt #19
I just love these flowers!! |
Dear Britt,
Did you go to work today/yesterday?
The good news is; you can actually take a break and rest this week.
Fancy some more good news? I am not sick at all, aside from the snotty nose every morning (which isn't that different from my hayfever morning snot..) *knock on wood three times*.
I haven't really been in the mood for blogging. School was really busy and intens. But I just cut my braids (they're still long but not as rapunzel long as they were before). And I feel like a new woman.
I get the whole going to the hairdresser-thing now.
There's not much for me to say actually. Accept that I really want to do some outfitshooting this week/ next week.. Since my vacation doesn't start untill next week (I'm up North remember?)
And I don't want to wait untill sunday to see you again, so we should have coffee or something before that! Deal?!
Oh I started reading Yes please by Amy Poehler again, laughed my bumm off. That woman is just the best person I've never met.
In case you were wondering; I got that book for my birthday last year and after a year I've only managed to read a quarter of it. But with things slowing down a lot these next two weeks, I can actually make time to read it on the train or in bed on lazy mornings and early nights.
I will try and write you more often. Sorry I've been such a shitty friend and blogger!
Oh! and I am really mad at the Dutch drugstore brands, but more on that later this week!
*Meryl Streep voice* That's all!
Kisses on your elbows,