Hello there kitty cats,
So this regularly blogging is becoming a thing isn't it?
I am back today with part two of the four parted
2014 roundup aka the all time favourites throughout the year. Yesterday I shared my
'Make up hall of fame' with you. The make-up products I have discovered or repurchased, used & loved all year 'round.
But that's not err'thing I loved, here are some little bits and bops I couldn't put in my make up favourites but deserved a post of their own. My 'Skincare hall of fame'.
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Skincare; The bodyscrub: The Soap and Glory sugarcrush bodyscrub. Fresh lime with almond oil and some kind of grain
to make my skin feel supersoft and leave the bathroom smelling amazing! Thank you for helping me through the first
months of this year. But I hate you for not being available in the Netherlands. |
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Skincare; The bodybutter/moisturiser. The body shop Pink grapefruit bodybutter! It is just amazing! I love everything pink grapefruit scented and this is just lovely. At night after a hot shower or in the morning for some extra 'pep'.
Thank you for making me realise what a real bodylotion is, no offense Nivea! |
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Skincare; the facemask. Lush Mask of Magnaminty facemask. This is just amazing! It helps preventing and getting rid of spots and blemishes and it has just saved my face! I am already on my second tub. I love it. it's minty and thick and leaves your skin feel soft and superclean. Thank you for being there when I suffered from the mountains-on-my-face-disease. |
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Skincare; the eye-make up remover. The Clarins gentle eye make-up remover. This stuff makes me cry, in pain. Because it is so good but so eye -watering expensive! Had a sample, Hay fever aka sensitive eyes and it was amazing! Had a YOLO moment and discount so I bought it! Gentle on the eyes and still manages to get rid of all the eye make-up. One day we will be reunited, for now I will just look at this empty bottle! |
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Skincare; The facial wash. The body shop Seewead deepcleansing facial wash. You must know that I had a really hard time
replacing my Neutrogena pink grapefruit facial wash (which isn't available in the Netherlands either..)
But I did it anyway and stumbled upon this beauty. It is really gentle and fresh and I have run out for a couple of weeks now.. I am in pain and will run to the body shop first thing tomorrow (maybe not first thing tomorrow but still.) |
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Skincare; The spottreatment. The Lush Grease lightning spottreatment. This year (after the summer really) I have gotten really into Lush and their skincare. This little bottle of first aid spottreatment just does is all. It's invisible (if you don't squirt it on like mayonaise) and it get's the job done. It prevents "underground" spots from coming out too bad. And helps/prevents excisting spots from "growing" or staying longer then they should. |
So that's it for my skincare hall of fame! These are the products I have loved enough to mention in my 2014 favourites! I hope you enjoyed reading about these babes as well!
Talk to y'all tomorrow!
Kisses on your elbows,