July favourites

Hello there kittycats,

It's the end of july.. Uhm hello?! Somebody explain this to me please?
July, the month with the most summerfeels, clossure and nice party's in the garden, while sweating your bum off when lifting your pinkytoe... ieuw bumsweat
But it has been the most relaxing, yet very in your face month in a very long time.
Graduating, filling in applications for a new college this fall, long days at work and pancake party's. All  to destract myself from the gap I was supposed to fall into this summer... mmm..

A mixture of lovely things, moments and people. Here are my July favourites:

Summer means icecream

1. Graduation and prom, it was one of the most fun and memorable days and nights I´ve ever had. 2. Pancake-housewarming thingy´s 3. Bourjois rouge edition velvet in Grand Cru 4. Viviana does makeup weekly vlogs 5.Birthdaysuprises for superwoman a.k.a. mumsylicious 6. mintgreen schoolsupplies 7. listening to JP Cooper 8. reruns of Grey´s anatomy 9. grey midiskirts and ankleboots combo´s 10. eating icecream

Being lovely as always

11. mani -pedis on the balcony 12. wine and friends on the beach 13. avocado 14. a sea of flowercupcakes 15. neon orange heeled sandals (that I´ve been craving for months) 16. Asos wishlists 17. facetime dates
18. Candy Dulfer 19. random visits at work from lovely zwerry´s 20. gardenparty plans (without a garden)

icecream is always a good idea

21. Sisterhood of the traveling pants 22. my (ex) classmates and teachers 23. Clarins gentle eye makeup remover 24. a book from the Sartorialist - Closer, more streetfashion bloggers should publish a book 25. A lot of sunshine (minus the sweat) 26.shorts (with the right amount of cute prints)27. parcdates with chocolate and ice coffee

muchos food, muchos wine, muchos love.

28. white chocolate chip cookies 29. the best dessert in the world 30. reading the last book of the Divirgent thrilogy

I was really excited to eat these bad boys.

So here you have it, my july favourites.

It was really hard to pick my favourites this month, July was just a great month in general and so relaxt and lovely. And because it wasn't full of firsts or weird things. There was also a lot of planning  for my blog and wanting to write blogposts but not having enough memory on my phone to take pictures, or not enough time to write the perfect post I want y'all to read.
But I'm working on it, reading other blogs and planning on creating a new website..
Just so this little space of mine on the internet becomes a home instead of a house.

Be patient my childeren, momabird is working on it!

Eat icecream, paint your nails, grow a beard and I´ll talk to you soon!

Kisses on your elbows,


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