You who inspire(d) me
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Let's have a little victory dance |
Hello there Kittycats,
HE DID IT!! Leonardo Dicaprio won a Golden Globe! (again)
He won this award for his role as Jordan Belfort in The wolf of Wallstreet. *standing ovation* Well deserved Leo! Next stop; the Oscars!!
I wanted to take this time to not only write about Leonardo Dicaprio, but about all the amazing actors and actresses who have been a great inspiration to me as an actress/artist.
Ever since I was little I knew I wanted to become an actress.
I love watching movies. I love Romantic comedy's (as you all know), but I also love movies like 'The lovely Bones', 'Colombiana', Red riding Hood and 'The wolf of Wallstreet'. *haha*
I get mesmerized when I watch a movie. I get sucked into the story and the characters and their situations become real, for a moment.
Watching people like Stanley Tucci transform from the sweet/bitchy gay co-worker of Anne Hathaway in The devil wears Prada. To the psycho serial killer in The lovely Bones is both terrifying and mindblowing.
Another inspirational woman in the american film industry is Meryl Streep. I think she is, how do you say it; A once in an era kind of actress. Just like Angelina Jolie. Who I was never a big fan of. Untill I saw her in 'Original sin' with Antonio Banderas. Where she played a strong, manipulative woman. That turned into a weak little girl when in the hands of her partner, the man who had complete control over her.
And of course Leonardo Dicaprio. That man has blown me away in The Wolf of Wallstreet.
And I have only seen little bits and bops of Django unchained *I know, shame on me* but I know he is magnificent in that one too. I was not in love with him or his acting skills when I was young(er), but after seeing him in Shutter Island and T.W.o.W. I can not help but developing ANOTHER celebrity crush.
These people have inspired me to set out a goal for myself as an actress. Right now I am trying to find my way in (musical) theatre. But anytime soon I will give camera acting a try as well. And maybe one day I'll be someone's Meryll Streep, in some kind of way. And when that day comes I will write an even longer blogpost on how amazing these people are.
I could go on and on about what movies and which actors/actresses I think should win an oscar (the ones I did not mention on purpose, so I could do another post like this have not been forgotten!!). But I'll let you of the hook.
Kisses on your elbows,